Game Jams

Some finished game jam projects I've worked on.

Jhonny & Jhon

Impact Jam Submission.

Small puzzle game about escaping a building.

Made in Godot.

Made with : LECORCHET Nathan, FROUX ROTRU Briag & FOUREL Yanis.


Stun Jam 2019 Submission.

TVLink is a turn-based local multiplayer strategy game where you fight to control ad slots.

Made in C using the CSFML library.

Made with GANSTER Guilian.

Full Moon

OctoJam 2019 Submission.

Stealth puzzle game where you have to find the exit while hiding from a monster.

Made in Haxe using the Haxegon library.


Epitech SpaceJAM 2020 Submission.

Space Arcade Game.

Made in C++ using the SFML library.

Made with : LECORCHET Nathan, BALAN Kylian, BELLANGER Nathan, LAUNAY Fabien & GOSSELIN Antoine.


Epitech EscapeJAM 2020 Submission.

Survival card game exploring madness.

Made with Unity.

Made with : MADEC Maïel, BELLANGER Nathan & VETOIS Matthieu.