Old School Projects

Here's a few of the projects I've worked on while studying for my Bachelor in Information Technology.


Screensaver Epitech Project.

Screensaver collection.

Made in C with the CSFML library.


Defender Epitech Project.

Zombie Tower Defense Game.

Made in C with the CSFML library.

Leap Music

Leap Motion + Virtual Reality Music instruments.

Made in Unity.

Made with AUGER Clément.


RPG Epitech Project.

Made in C using the CSFML library.

Made with LECORCHET Nathan, FROUX ROTRU Briag & BELLANGER Nathan.

Super BomberTek

IndieStudio Epitech Project.

3D Bomberman Game.

Made in C++ using the SFML & Irrlicht libraries.

Made with : GANSTER Guilian, BALAN Kylian, LECORCHET Nathan & BASTIEN Thomas.